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Punisher 2099UG Issue #0

Prologue “Revenge And Redemption”

Plots-Joey G. & Midnyteson

Written By-Joey Guerra

**These events take place one week after 2099 AD Apocalpyse**

Speeding wildly through space, the huge craft narrowly misses a meteor. "It's been to long." Vendetta thought.

She had seen Jake Gallows off to Earth a week ago, but had not heard from him since.

"Damn you Gallows!" "He's probably living the good life on Earth, while I'm stuck on this missreable ship!" she yelled out loud.

Soon Vendetta would have her answer. The giant vessel entered near Earth's atmosphere.

"Computer." Vendetta odered.

"Get me all the recent info on anything big that's gone down on the surface."

As the computer gathered its data, Vendetta remebered what the Earth was like just a week ago. All the "rich" people were doing anything just to get off planet, the place was coming all apart, and all because someone hated the new president Doom. But Vendetta's thought's were dissrupted by the computer, "All major news events from the last week uploaded, would you like to view them?" said the electronic voice.

"Yeah, show me all of 'em."

Vendetta retired to a chair in front of the monitor and watched the video feed.She heard stories like "Doom feared dead", "The country of Latveria now lies in ruins, in what appears to be a personal attack on president Doom.", but none of that supprised or bothered Vendetta, until she reached the last story. On the screen she saw a man running from SHEILD Police. He fought bravely and beat them, and even before the man came into clear view she knew it could only be him-Gallows, The Punisher.

Instantly she felt a little better to see he was still alive, once a hated enemy, Vendetta now saw Gallows as a partner, someone who's as blood thirsty as she is, and someone who beleives in real justice. She continued to watch the video, when a strange flying vehicle appeared, she watched as Gallows stared up at this creature suddenly a blinding hot flash of light came from it and Gallows was gone.

"He's dead." she thought.

"Those bastards hunted him down like an animal and killed him, Dammit Gallows why did you think you could take on the world?"

Why'd you have to shockin' try?" she exclaimed out loud.

Suddenly the electronic voice of the computer roared to life and ask "What's our next destination Vendetta?"

"We aren't going anywhere computer."

"Tommrow I'm going to the surface,Gallows was a brave man, who beilived in what was right he must be avenged!"


As he backs into a wall in a Downtown alley he leaves a sea of blood streaked across it. John daSilva thought he might be able to get home without a lot of trouble, not that he couldn't handle himself in a fight, he just figured a guy in a Punishment Police uniform shouldn't be hanging around Downtown. At least not now, not since Doom's fall. John had been with three other officers, as soon as word got out about Doom's collapse the whole area went wild. John and his partners were the only officers around and as a result they were the ones who The Freakers chose to attack, in an attempt to regain the respect of the their fellow gangs. Since that day John has been on the run, now without half his uniform, beaten, and bloodied John daSilva finally stands ready to face his attackers.

"The Freakers got 'em!" yells a voice in the background.

One of the men approach John, "Whatta you gonna do now? You shockin' blackboot!"

Two other men come towards John with large metal pipes in their hands, one of them screams "Let me kill the damn blackboot please! I wanna hear that pig scream."

The lead Freaker nods his head and one of them runs for John, and as he raises the pipe over John daSilva's head, John pulls out a concealled gun and takes aim......



In Punisher 2099UG #1

Vendetta returns to Earth to search for answers and Revenge. Plus the fate of our new chacter John daSilva as he fights to escape Downtown, its all in "Revenge and Redemption" part 1, coming this month!!


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