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Hulk 2099UG Issue #1


Issue #1 

Written by Spider Kid


Far from the centers of civilization, the Rocky Mountains have resisted the pollution and corruption that follow the Mega-Corps. Hidden in its heights, small human settlements have flourished, preserving the relative innocence of an earlier age...

"Cocky bastard...Left his post!"

Standing over the stone that marks post 4 west, a short, stocky man examines the trail. The blowing snow had covered any tracks there may have been. Garth jumped down from the marker and began to gather Jayces' gear. Stupid kid. Left everything except his rifle. A bloody miracle he didn't take off his bloody clothes first!


Still scowling, Garth eyes Sven.

"Tony and Tom found him... and the one that Jerod warned us of."

"Here? Already?"

"Apparently. Both are unconscious, Tom says we'll need a full team to move 'em both"

"Then call down the team!"

"Already done, sir.."

"Then lead the way! We haven't all bloody night!"


A new dream. Not the nightmares of the desert. This was about the mountains. A place where the earth almost touches the sky. Looking around, the Hulk finds himself in a small glade. Spring has sprung and the summer winds bring light rain and mild 70-degree weather. Children's laugh and
scamper as their mothers prepare a picnic lunch. Off to the side, the men stand solemn, also looking at the children. Concentrating on them, he finds that he can hear the men's quiet discussion...

"..But for all, we know it's more of a mo*...Quickly, He's awake!"

Scrambling towards consciousness, Hulk sits up, unaware of snapping his restraints. Not well yet. Not entirely, but the fog had lifted from his mind and he could think clearly again. Then a woman bolts forward and jabs a needle in his arm.

At that moment, A loud rumble comes from overhead. The electric lights dim and shouts can be heard from down the corridor...

In a neighboring room, Jayce had been recovering from his exposure to the harsh weather, until the explosions woke him. In the failing light, he viewed the room and found his clothing and weapons present. He brightens a bit at this, dresses and arms himself, then disappears into the confusion that reigns in the hall...

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