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Morbius 2099UG Issue #2


Issue #2 

"The Morbius Project, Part 3" 

"Corporate Figureheads" 

Written by Gary M. Miller


Downtown 2099

The Son rips through the SHIELD agents who seemingly don't react at all, proving the speed of The Son's attack. Tyler is just as startled as anyone by this attack and now peers into the eyes of his attacker.

"What the shock do you think you're doing?" asks Tyler.

"You made me this way, didn't you?"

The Son peers back into the eyes of Tyler with a look of utter hate and disdain for this man, the man he's sure is responsible for creating the monster he is now becoming. Tyler looks into The Son's eye's with a surprising lightness as if he has absolutely no fear of a man he just witnessed taking his guards out in mere seconds!

"I'm quite sure I know nothing of what you are talking about. How could I have 'made' you into anything? Look at me, I'm in a damned hoverchair for shock's sakes!"

The Son continues to stare at this man, but now he begins to doubt that he is the one.

**Its true,** The Son thinks, **How could such a frail, and weak being be the one whom I remember?** Before either says another word The Son is gone, running back into the last shadows of dawn. as he leaves, the SHIELD agents begin to wake up, and jump to their feet looking for the monster who knocked them out.

"What happened, Mr. Stone?"

Tyler grins at the agent and states, "Nothing much, but I have a feeling that young man and I shall cross paths again. Oh, and next time do your job, or I'll have you both killed!"

But yet another is watching this scene--Halloween Jack has been following The Son since last night.

"Oh, you're close my boy, I can't believe you don't realize how close!" Jack then begins to dance around the rooftop.

"Oh well, I think I'll go have a little more fun, hee hee!"


Miguel O'Hara is almost bored to death. It's not that he really hates his new job, but it's just not as interesting to him as his previous work. So in his boredom Miguel has decided to go over some old Holo Records from Alchemax's files. As he plays files from around the year 2083 he makes a discovery--most of the records are missing! All the files he does have from that time have strange skips in them, almost as if someone wanted to cover something up. The only useable piece of information he has is out of the following record:


From the Holographic Professional Research Journal of Dr. ---------------
Research scientist, governmental test division, Alchemax Industries, Inc. USA


Date: April 29, 2083 (06:42)
Re: The ---------- Project

"...Tests have been run on the initial run of subjects for the project. We shall continue to test throughout the week. The situation is highly plausible at this juncture, and it is our hope to re-establish the valiant efforts of our predecessors in this endeavor. The government has been extremely helpful, as, strangely enough, has ---------------. Funny, I would have thought he would have been at least a little hesitant. Evidently not where the government is concerned. I shall continue monitoring the -------------- as the -------------- --------------------------------"


"Shock It!"

The only useable piece of information he has is some "project" Alchemax worked on with the government, but what? Miguel stands from his desk, and begins to think until he figures there's a good chance an old "friend" of his is involved...

"This stinks of Tyler Stone's doing.! Dammit, what the shock were they doing?"

But for now Miguel's answers will have to wait...


The Son has returned to his one safe haven, the old church building where Le'Osha lives. He walks through the doors tired and weak, just wanting to sit and rest for the day. Perhaps the sun is starting to affect him--he is after all supposed to be becoming a vampire. But he doesn't know or care what it is at this exact moment and he falls asleep in the church before Le'Osha gets a chance to even talk with him. She sits near him, whispering.

"You are becoming a monster in your own eyes, young one, but with time all that will change."


London, 2099

This tired man walks through the halls of the mental hospital, at which he works. Today has been an especially hard day on him. One patient tried to kill him with a knife--although where he got the knife he knows not. Another tried to escape, and five others started a brawl. Yes, its been an especially bad day, all right.

**Funny..** this man thinks to himself, **at one time these men and women were all perfectly sane workers for The Drekk Foundation; what caused them to be this way?** This man is already known to us, though he looks very much different. It's been sixteen years since anyone from his "past life" has seen him, but his new life isn't that bad. He walks to a mirror, revealing the face of an aging Dr. Michael Fielding!


The sun has once again started to disappear from the skyline, and The Son rises from his slumber. He sits up noticing Le'Osha sleeping not more than a few feet away.

"Its nice to know she trust me now," whispers The Son, suddenly she's awake.

"You have risen young one, how you be?"

The Son begins to wonder why she's questioning him but the thought quickly passes.

"I'm fine, I was just really tired."

"That good, but I fear your rest will be short lived. I hear rumor that more people are becoming vampires after taking a drug--you are the one who must stop this."

The Son knows what Le'Osha says makes sense but he still doesn't want to do spit for this world. Still, he does have a selfish motive for wanting to help. He's sure that if he can get close enough to all this he'll discover just who and what made him the way he is! He turns to face Le'Osha after a moments hesitation.

"I'll do whatever I can to stop this, Le'Osha, I swear it!"

Those are the last words Le'Osha hears The Son speak before he's gone, and she begins to pray, a prayer of hope that The Son will come back to her safely.


She sits, watching what little a group of followers she has left drop lower each day. Since that flood Downtown a while back no one comes to her church anymore. No one wants to believe that there is a God. So Father Jennifer D'Angelo sits waiting for something, anything, to bring something to her life, some kind of purpose. As one of her still faithful followers leaves he mentions something that strikes her as odd-

"You be careful if you go out at night Father, you hear."

"What do you mean George?"

The old man almost begins to laugh but restrains himself. "You haven't heard, some weird stuff going on around here at night, men becoming monsters, killing innocent Downtowners? Too bad that Spider-guy isn't around here anymore."

"What? That 'Spider guy' never did anything of importance for us! I'm glad that Corporate sellout is gone."

George is surprised slightly by the Father's harsh reaction, but pays it no attention. After all, Spider-Man and The Vulture did make a mess of her church not a few months back.

"Well, I'll be seeing you Father have a nice..."

Suddenly the door slams shut and Father Jennifer yells from behind it, "Sorry to cut you off George, but I've got something to do. See you tomorrow."


The Son scans the dark night air for any of these "vampires" the newest drug craze is creating. So far he's come up empty, even with his newly enhanced eyesight (See Morbius 2099 UG # 1 for more details --Joey). He's almost ready to give up when he hears something. It starts off faintly but the sound grows, and grows until he can distinguish it as laughter! But whose? The Son looks in all directions until he feels the attack coming, although too late! He's struck in the back, and when he looks up the laughing figure is standing over him, in a partially green costume???

"Who the shock are you??"

"Why I'm your worst nightmare, demon boy, I'm Goblin, and you are dead!"

The Son recalls hearing about the Goblin, but why would he attack him?? He has no time to ponder the answer to that question any further, as the Goblin begins his attack, quickly getting a headlock on The Son, and then the sounds come. Not like before--this isn't laughter, it's much worse, it's the sound of almost animal-like howling, and of snarls and teeth clanging together, long teeth! The Son instantly realizes what's about to happen, and tries to tell Goblin!

"You're fighting the wrong person! You shouldn't be fighting me!"

"Then just whom should I be fighting?"

The Son points at a mob, of no less than twenty vampires.



"Don't worry if I can beat that Corp boy Spider-Man these fools will be no problem!"

And Goblin pounces into the battle, throwing a vampire aside with all his power, and using an energy weapon against another. But something the Goblin said has frozen The Son in his tracks.

"Spider-Man," he whispers. It all hits him within a few seconds but it seems to last for hours. Images of the Twen-Cen Spider-Man, and of one of his villains, Dr. Michael Morbius, or as he became known "Morbius"! He sees Morbius, and suddenly remembers records of his condition!

"How...How is this possible?" The Son begins to question his own mind but he cannot, at least not right now. He must help the Goblin, who has already taken down six of the Vampires!

The Son pounces, and as the Goblin blasts away at another vampire The Son acts more savagely towards these creatures, ripping one's heart out with his right hand! Blood sprays everywhere as the unholy creature dies. Quickly he attacks another and another, until it is only he and the final vampire. He throws it up against a wall, and begins to yell at it.

"Tell me, WHO is making this drug, this V-X?"

The creature, who can no longer even speak, makes an unearthly howl, and then makes a sound almost like laughter, as he snaps out clawing The Son's chest, spilling his blood!!

The Son lashes out with more rage than ever, using his slightly fanged teeth to rip a chunk of flesh from the vampire's neck, splashing his victim's blood across his own face. With this task accomplished The Son passes out, the last thing he sees being the Goblin fleeing the scene.


It's almost dawn when he awakens once again. People are circling around him, and as he grabs at his chest wound he notices its nearly sealed back up, as a matter of fact its hardly visible anymore! One of the people speaks.

"You...You killed some of them things didn't you?"

"Yes, so what?"

The man smiles "So thanks, that's what, you saved us from them!"

These people actually appreciate what he's done!! It's almost impossible for him to believe but it is true. Then he remembers the stuff about Spider- Man, and Morbius and what happened a few hours back, and he gets an idea. The Son stands above the others on a small brick wall, and begins to call to everyone of Downtown. Within minutes a crowd has gathered, of nearly one hundred people!

"You people down here need someone to help out, a person who you can believe in, a person who will stop the kinds of horrors that have bloodied these shocking streets the last couple of nights. I want to be that person!"

The Son has finally realized that he can do some good, for the first time ever the people will appreciate him--or will they?

"Yeah right, we heard this shocking scrap before from the Corp. flunky Spider-Man!! How can we be sure you won't turn out the same shockin' way?"

**Spider-Man, a Corp. boy? Like the kind of Corp that made me?** thinks The Son, and the thought enrages him!

"I'll shocking tell you how. I declare war on Spider-Man! If he's a Corp sellout then he's shocking mine, do you all hear me?"

"Yeah we hear ya! So what should we call ya, huh?"

"You may call me...Morbius! It is the last name Spider-Man will ever speak before he meets his grave..........!"

NEXT ISSUE / NEXT WEEK: Morbius gets one step closer to the corp we all know is behind everything! Halloween Jack comes closer to...what? And Tyler Stone heads to London...but what exactly Drekk does may shock him...and you!!!

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