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Punisher 2099UG Issue 5

Punisher 2099UG

Issue #5

"The Taking of New York - Part 2"


Written by Joey Guerra

Edited by Hugo Ferreira

It is morning over the New York City area. Jenny Kingston is safe, for now anyway, and Matt Axel is glad that his friends could help out. Only now an explanation is due to them, and Matt just doesn't have the answers. John daSilva and his new partner Vendetta, now The Punisher of the year 2099, pace the floors of Jake Gallow's old home, asking the questions.

"Matt, what's the connection you have to all of this? You told us your friends are being picked off one by one, why the hell would anyone want to do that?"

Matt stares at Vendetta, trying honestly to come up with an answer but alas he cannot.

"I'm sorry you two I just don't shockingly know."

John rises by Vendetta's side-

"Well then we'll just have to find out now won't we."


Jenny Kingston has fled to a friend's house. And this is just not any friend, she does indeed have connections. This is none other than the head of Stark-Fujikawa himself Hikaru-Sama. He stares at her and ponders what to do-

"Why have you come to me?"

Jenny stands

"Because you owe me a shocking favor you pusbag."

Hikaru smiles, just a little but a smile none the less. He also stands-

"You are most correct, young one, follow this man and he will take you somewhere safe, but be warned my debt is now paid."

Jenny just leaves not even acknowledging his last comment. Two hours later she's at her "safe-house" with guards posted everywhere. It seems nothing can get through to her, not here at least. But four hours after her arrival an explosion destroys her and the house...


"AXEL! I can't believe it you said you had people who could stop whoever's doing this!"

The voice is that of the crazed Bill Smith, realizing that with Jenny gone, he must be next! He learned of her death nearly an hour ago and has been trying to reach Matt ever since. Now that he has him, he wants assurance he won't be next!

"Please Matt if you can help me you have to, I can't die, not yet, please Matt."

"Calm down Bill just tell me where you are and I'll send help."

"I'm...I'm in my office at Alchemax, please Matt do something."

The vidphone goes dead, but Bill is alright. Then something Bill said hits Matt and he thinks of something, something important.

"Of course, Alchemax!"

Matt runs to the control room to raise Vendetta and John their private line.

"Punisher, I need a favor, can you..."

"No can do Matt we seem to have found a situation. I'll get back to you as soon as I can."


John and Vendetta pull into the area with that "situation" as John decides upon an idea. "Punisher, I just thought about something, Bill Smith will probably be next right?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"C'mon, if we can get to him first we can have another crack at getting to the person involved in all this, maybe even find out why he or she is doing it!"

"Sounds good to me, okay then Mr.Smith can be our bait, but only after we solve this problem first let's go."

Inside the Alchemax building, Bill Smith sits crying, fearing his inevitable death is coming and soon! Suddenly a noise startles him, and he sees the shadows of five men walking down a hallway. Before Bill Smith can even scream there pulling him out of the building until one of them runs into something that he cannot pass.

"Oh, shock, its..its The Punisher??"

"No way The Punisher's shocking dead this is some kind of trick."

The figure dressed in The Punisher's costume moves into the light, and the men see it for the first time, its head is a skull!

"No shocking way man, your dead!"

The figure moves closer-

"Am I?"

Suddenly a gun is pulled and three of the five men are dead, The Punisher pulls her power bat and begins to whack away at one of the others until his skull is caved in from the beating. The last thug makes a run for it, but he gets no more than twenty feet before he sees The Punisher right in front of him, and that skull again! The man pulls a gun but The Punisher pulls one quicker and shoots him through the head, spilling his brains on the streets below. John walks over to Vendetta standing over the hood she beat to death.

"Oh, yeah those higher settings are a real treat," she says as she locks her power bat back onto her belt.

John starts to get a little nervous.

"Are you sure you are not enjoying this just a little too much?"

Vendetta just laughs at him until ...


A sudden explosion down the street draws their attention. They make a run in its direction and they almost don't believe their eyes when they see it. In the middle of the explosion stands a man, with a glowing aura of energy around him. He's smiling at the dead bodies on the ground and then looks up to John and Vendetta.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Combustion, and you, my genedoll friend are dead." BOOM!........

NEXT ISSUE: John and Vendetta confront Combustion!! Who is he? What is he after? And can John's plan work, or is it already too late to save Bill Smith?? And what about John and Vendetta, could they be dead?? FIND OUT IN THIRTY DAYS!

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