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Punisher 2099UG Issue #3

Volume One, Issue Three

"Revenge and Redemption"

"Part 3: The Last Revenge"

Plots-Midnyteson & Joey G

Written By-Joey Guerra "AGuerra601"

Night has fallen in New York City. Down a certain alley stands Vendetta, to her left the recently rediscovered Matt Axel, and on the ground in front of the two Downtown thugs who have nice holes through their heads. At the end of the alley stands John daSilva, the man who put those holes in their heads, and Matt and Vendetta are very happy to see this total stranger!

"Thank you, Mr.daSilva right?" (editor's note: John introduced himself at the end of Issue 2)

"That's right Axel, and yes I also know who you are Vendetta, the Director spoke of both of you."

"The Director?" questions Vendetta "Do you mean Jake, have you seen him?"

"No, I'm afraid he's dead, SHIELD agents..."

"I SHOCKIN' KNOW THAT ALREADY!!" screams Vendetta in a sudden fit of rage.

Matt begins to think Vendetta had possibly developed feelings for Jake and is upset at the mention of his death.

"Hey, I was just trying to explain it maybe I should've let the two of you die, huh?"

"Maybe I should finish the job for those two punks," states John as he aims his gun at Vendetta.

"Now you want my help or do you want to be on your way to Hellcorp?"

"The choice is yours." Vendetta eyes John, and finally comments-

"Alright you can shockin' help me but I and I alone call the shots you got that?"

"Sure you call the shots, what about you Axel?"

"I've already said, I want nothing to do with The Punisher or anyone connected to him!"

"But think of all the good Jake did, think of how good a friend he had been to you, then think about what should be done when a good friend and a hero is murdered."

Matt just stares at John and in his own silent way agrees to help get revenge for Jake's death.

"Now first things first, who were these two punks and why were they after you two?"

"I haven't got a clue," answers Axel.

"Oh but I do," comments Vendetta.

"The Fearmaster showed up at Jake's old house when I was looking for you, Matt." (editor's notes: see also in Issue 2)

"He held me at gunpoint and demanded to know where Jake was, I tried to explain that Jake was dead but he didn't listen."

"I think he wants revenge on Jake for all the stuff that went down between them, but since he can't find him we'll do!"

"Well at least we know what we're dealing with," says John.

"Let's go see if we can't find The Fearmaster ourselves."

And with that the three figures walk from the alley and out into the streets.


"I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT MY FAMILY!!!" screams Jim Craig.

The memory, or at least a glimpse of a memory, of his family, is making him go mad with anger. Jim Craig has to know who these people he sees are, and why the memory seems so painful? The doctor had always come to him before but he has been yelling for nearly five minutes with no response.

"Please tell me who my family is I MUST know!"

Suddenly the door opens and the familiar face of the doctor appears through it.

"Please Jim settle down what seems to be the problem?"

"I am starting to remember my family, I must know who they are and why the memory seems so painful?"

"Settle down and I'll tell you about them here take this." says the doctor as he turns away from the sink with a cup of water.

"Drink up, you must have made your throat sore with all that yelling." After Jim finishes the water he becomes restless again.

"Doctor I must know now!"

"I'll tell you just calm down."


And suddenly Jim Craig passes out, the doctor gets up and walks out of the room locking the door behind him. He walks into another room where a man sits in front of a monitor.

"Did you take care of him?"

"Don't worry he's passed out and by the time he wakes up he won't remember any of this."

And with that laughter fills the room.


"Damn Him!" yells the Fearmaster.

"I was SO close, if Gallows really is dead then I will have my revenge on Vendetta, and that annoying Matt Axel, but then he had to show up!"

The Fearmaster paces back and forth thinking about a new course of action. His mind is filled with nothing but hate and contempt for Gallows and those who would be his allies. All he wants is to get the revenge he feels he deserves! Suddenly he thinks over his recent attempts, he finally decides that the reason they went wrong was that he used other people to try and kill them.

"I must kill them, all three of them, myself yes!"

As soon as the words are spoken the Fearmaster runs out into the night in search of his prey.


"So where do you think we should start our search for The Fearmaster?" ask John.

"First I think we should go back to Gallow's old house we can use some of the supplies he had stashed there," answers Vendetta.

"I don't want to go back there.....ever!" yells Matt.

"Please Matt, Vendetta's right we need more supplies before we can go after and hit The Fearmaster."

"OK I'll go but I'm waiting outside for the two of you, agreed?"

"Agreed, not let's go before The Fearmaster finds....."

Suddenly a gunshot rings out into the night sky.


Jim Craig awakens in a much calmer mood than before. He sits up in bed and as he does his head begins to ache worse than before. Looking around he notices that it appears to be night time. He looks around the room and sees a cup on the floor beside his bed.

"Funny I don't remember having anything to drink?"

But certain people do remember that drink. They sit in a room a few halls away in front of a vidscreen, watching to make sure the plan goes as expected.

"I told you I'd fix it."

"Well its good that you did, this time make sure it stays fixed, you shockin' got that?"

"Yeah, yeah, trust me there won't be any more problems with Mr.Craig."


"MATT LOOK OUT!" yells John daSilva as he jumps at Matt Axel knocking him to the ground, a bullet whizzing by there heads. John turns to eye the person firing at them and to his astonishment its none other than the Fearmaster himself. Vendetta quickly reaches to pull out a gun but, before she can the Fearmaster shoots her in the shoulder.

"Like the gun, I borrowed it from Jake's collection, even shoots real bullets but I guess you already figured that out, huh dear Vendetta."

"Shock you!" is Vendetta's reply.

But the Fearmaster turns his attention back to John and Matt.

"Well looky here two of Jake's old friends for the price of one!" and the Fearmaster starts to laugh an insane laugh that fills the streets.

"You won't get me you shockin' pusbag!" yells John as he pulls out his gun.

"Oh, I don't think so." And as he says that the Fearmaster reaches down, grabs Vendetta, and puts his gun to her head.

"Ask yourself stranger are you a good enough shot not to hit her?"

"Your insane Fearmaster and I will bring you down."

"Insane, me?"

"Oh, no my dear boy you don't understand I have to do this, your friend Jake did things to me and since he isn't here I'll take my revenge out on...."

Suddenly Vendetta elbows the Fearmaster and kicks free of his grasp. She hits the wet, and dirty street rolling, as the Fearmaster fires his gun wildly at her.

"You shockin' pusbag you hit me, for that you die first." says the Fearmaster as he continues to fire at Vendetta.

Suddenly he turns his attention back to John who has his gun aimed and ready to fire.

"I told you once before I don't think so!" and he begins to fire at John.

John jumps up scrambling towards an alley, but Matt doesn't move! "Get out of there Matt run!"

But it is too late and the Fearmaster shoots him in the leg.


Jim Craig awakens to another nightmare, quickly his doctor appears. "What seems to be the problem?"

"I don't know I think I was having a bad nightmare."

"Here I'll give you something to help you sleep."

And the doctor hands him a pill and a cup of water. Jim drinks it and thanks to the doctor. As the doctor leaves Jim falls back asleep.

"Does he remember anything?"

"No, he seems to have forgotten the memory he had of a family."

"Good let's keep it that way."


John rushes towards the now screaming Matt Axel but is stopped as the Fearmaster reaches him first. As he puts his gun to Matt's head he says-

"This one will do nicely don't worry you'll come soon!"

"Oh, I don't think so Fearmaster."

"What do you mean by..."

As the Fearmaster turns around he sees Vendetta lying on the ground with a gun in her hand.

"Dear God don't let me hit Axel." she thinks to herself.

And before Fearmaster has a chance to react Vendetta fires, and within a second Darryl King aka the Fearmaster's head gushes blood and he falls over dead.

"That ones for you Jake."

"Nice shot Vendetta." comments John.

"Nice shot?" "She could have shockin' killed me!" exclaims Matt.

"I wouldn't worry about that Matt I need you too much."

"Mind if I keep tagging along and make this a trio?" asked John

"Why the shock not, come on let's go back to Jake's old place for the night." "But I don't...."

"Forget about it Axel let's go, stop being a damn whino."

"OK but what about him?" he says as he points to the Fearmaster.

"Him, let him rot like the pusbag he is, now let's go!"

And with that, the three figures disappear off into the night.


T H E P U N I S H E R 2 0 9 9 U G

Next Issue- Wow its issue 4 already and you all know what that means! The debut of The Punisher in action (finally) but will it be John or someone else? So be here in two weeks as we usher in the future of The Punisher all brought to you by Midnyteson in his first outing as a writer! YES! Hopefully, you'll all enjoy his stuff even more than mine. All that plus a lead into the BIG 4 part storyline "The Taking Of New York" which will feature a brand-spanking-new villain created by Midnyteson!

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