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Fantastic Four 2099UG Issue #2 (of 4)

Fantastic Four 2099UG

Issue #2 of 4

"New Beginnings"

"Fire Storm"

Written by Joey Guerra

Plots by Joey Guerra and Chris Partin

The screams of agonizing pain come from the distorted orange mouth of The Thing. He wishes to break free, yet he can't even with his strength. These men with their torture devices want information from him, the information he doesn't want to give, but unknown to them is no longer needed...



The warning comes too late as a guard fires a stun blast at Susan Richards knocking her unconscious. Quickly Reed and Johnny run to her side to see if she's even still alive.

"You gonna fry for that stupid stunt!" swears Johnny as he explodes in a blaze of vengeance. He flies past the guards with amazing grace, and speeds melting their weapons along the way. All except one, and we all know the one you miss, is the one that gets you in the end. Ryan Wingfoot has slipped out in the disturbance but he will await the perfect chance to strike! The remaining guards are easily handled by Reed and Johnny. Reed picks up Sue and motions to Johnny-

"Let's find Ben and Chimera and get out of here."

"Agreed, let's move it brother-in-law o'mine."


Chimera laughs with great pleasure. She figures Sue is surely dead by now and Reed is all hers. She stands in the shadows watching as Ben is tortured by his captors. She feels no remorse for what she's done, Reed and her are meant to be a nobody and nothing must stand in their way! Or so she thinks.

Ben begins to once again scream in pain. As his torturers stand above him asking him questions-

"Where are the other three?"

"If you tell us the pain will all go away."

Ben turns an eye to these men a mutters two rather appropriate words-

"Screw You"

One of the men turns and smiles at him-

"Oh, I'm really going to enjoy this next round of torture Mr.Grimm, unless of course, you tell of where the rest of the Fantastic Four is." Suddenly a finger taps the man's shoulder, he whips his head around to a most surprising sight.

"Were right here buddy...."



"I think he's coming around."

"Good, we need to talk with our young friend here."

Anthony Brix takes the last smack on the face and jumps to attention, realizing he has a device on his head and he is strapped down to a bed.

"Well, well, your awake good, oh and don't try to use that power of yours that device on your head will kill you if you do so, okay?" Anthony can't believe this is happening to him, if only he hadn't listened to Laura-

"Don't worry its a simple in and out a job. You and I get it to get the info and get out, no prob right?" "Yeah right," Anthony thinks to himself, "If she didn't have such a pretty face this wouldn't be happening now, why do I always listen to other people?" SMACK!

"Pay attention Mr.Brix, you and an accomplice stole something for Stark-Fujikawa, and we want it back, I'm assuming you know what I'm talking about?"

"Actually, I don't all these heads shots are bad for the memory you..." SMACK!

"Enough, name your partner and the location of the stolen property or stay here for a daily torture session."

"I'd like to help you I really would, but I must say one thing first, SHOCK YOU, YOU BASTARD, I WOULDN'T HELP YOU FOR ANYTHING!"

Suddenly Anthony burst into laughter, angering the man with him in the room. The last thing he sees is the handle of a gun coming towards his head.



Johnny Storm burst into flame, as Reed and the now conscious Sue attack the guards. It is over in mere moments and Reed hurries to release Ben.

"That should do it, old friend."

"Thanks a bunch, stretcho, but where's that Chimera dame?" Johnny starts to become upset-

"We can't leave until we find Chimera, I'll go scout around for her, you three leave and meet me in five minutes about two blocks from here."

"Johnny we can't just leave...."

"No more Reed, I can handle myself, I'm not just some kid, now go!" Reed, Sue, and Ben head out as Johnny takes flight. He turns but a few corners until he finds her, with a gun to her head.


Johnny yells as the man holding the gun laughs, none other than Ryan Wingfoot aka RIOT.

"Surrender yourself and family or the girl dies."

"Never" Johnny starts in RIOT's direction only to be brought down, his flame gone!

"Like it?" "It specially designed to keep your hothead cool Torchy boy, now how about giving up?"

The whole time Chimera has been ready to get herself free, she is sure Sue is dead and decides to go with Johnny where she can be with Reed. Before RIOT realizes it Chimera pulls a concealed gun, and puts a shot into Ryan Wingfoot's head, spilling his brains on the floor. She runs to Johnny and pulls the pellet off him that kept his flame powers from working.

"C'mon Johnny let's get the shock out of here, where's Reed?"

"Waiting for us let's go, FLAME ON!" And the two of them take flight and are out of the building in a flash. But something is still about to happen something that will change this place forever!


They've been tracking him for five years and today maybe the day they finally nab him! "Why did I shockin' come back here anyway?" Timothy Wallace thinks to himself as he runs through a Downtown street, high above him a Stark-Fuji retrieval team of three members follows him. He turns around and a smile crosses his face.

"Time for some fun."

Suddenly one of the team members is blown right off his cycle. The other two open fire, and to get a little fire thrown there way themselves, as a wall of flame paints the skyline in front of them.

"Shock it one got through it." That one opens fire quickly and Timothy turns and runs, little does he know these men are equipped with a special shot designed to catch just him! One strikes, Timothy in the leg and he falls down, as the last member lands ten feet away from him.

"You like committing shockin' suicide or what man?"

"No, how about you punk."

"We'll see who...it doesn't work my powers they're gone?"

"No but temporarily disabled, I might get a promotion for bringing you in Stark-Fuji's been chasing you forever, now say night-night."

"A scatter of stunner blast racks Timothy's body and he falls quiet.

"HQ, This is retrieval Team B, Member Three, reporting in I have Timothy Wallace, we lost the other two members but I will be bringing him in."

"Excellent this has been a good day for us another person of interest to us was captured earlier this morning, bring him quickly."

"Yes sir, Team B, Member Three out."


"I can see Reed down there Johnny about a block away!"

"Yeah, its gonna be smooth sailing from..." The shot rings out and within a second Johnny Storm is holding the cold silent body of Chimera. He turns and sees the sniper, he reaches Reed as quickly as he can.

"REED, help Chimera I think she was shot!"

"I'm sorry Johnny she was shot in the head she's...she's dead Johnny."

"NOOOO!" And before another word is said Johnny Storm explodes into a huge firestorm of rage, an explosion so big it can be seen blocks away......

NEXT ISSUE- "New Begining's Part Three"! Are the FF even still alive? What will become of Stark-Fujikawa? Plus more on Anthony Brix and Timothy Wallace!

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