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Welcome to the 2099 UnderGround, the Ghostworks for the Best 2099 Fan Fiction around the net! The 2099 Characters and related trademarks are the property of Marvel Comics and are used without permission, but with great admiration and respect. Original 2099 UG characters are the property of their creators and may be used by the creator's authorization only. Oh, and have a nice day...*evil grin*

Spider-man 2099 motion comic

It’s the year 2099, the future. And the future is full of menaces, but none so vile as a corrupt government and the corporations behind it! A scary future needs a hero who's just as creepy - perhaps a wall-CRAWLER of some kind? See the world of tomorrow and the cast who inhabit it as the Spider-Man of 2099 battles evil in both high and low society in the year 2099. Based on the work by industry legend Peter David. Adapting Spider-man 2099 1-44

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