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Welcome to the 2099 UnderGround, the Ghostworks for the Best 2099 Fan Fiction around the net! The 2099 Characters and related trademarks are the property of Marvel Comics and are used without permission, but with great admiration and respect. Original 2099 UG characters are the property of their creators and may be used by the creator's authorization only. Oh, and have a nice day...*evil grin*

Fantastic Four 2099UG Issue 3 (of 4)

Fantastic Four 2099UG

Issue #3 (of 4) 

"New Beginnings" 

"The Fightful Four" 

Written by Joey Guerra 

Plots by Joey Guerra and Chris Partin

Edited by Hugo Ferreira


The explosion is heard for miles. The result of an emotionally charged firestorm created by Johnny Storm. When Chimera was shot Johnny got upset and as Stark-Fuji is now learning you don't upset a young man with the power to wipe you off the face of the planet! 

The major explosion ends and the fire dies down to many little fires. As the dust and smoke clear it is visible to anyone in the air that one whole city-block has been destroyed. On the very outer ring of the destruction lies the Stark-Fujikawa building, with only minor damage. A shame the same can't be said for Chimera's assassin, he is falling to the ground burning, and screaming the whole way down. Ashes sit where people once stood, and buildings are nothing but burned out holes. And in the center of it all lies Johnny Storm crying at the destruction he's caused this day... 

"Sis, please tell me your okay?" says Johnny through his sobs. Thanks to Susan Richards's invisible force field the other members of the Fantastic Four survived or did they? 

"C'mon Sis I'm not playing, Ben, Reed you guys are okay right?" 

But no answers come until... 

"Koff, Johnny no!, Johnny?" 

The voice is that of Reed Richards the first to wake after the devastating blast. 

"REED your alright c'mon we have to get Ben and Sis up, help me, Reed." Reed runs to Sue's side and is greeted with a smile from his wife. 

"Don't worry Sue I think were all okay." 

"Speak for yourself Stretcho, I didn't much like old flame brain's little stunt!" Reed stands and looks at the Thing, a look that reminds them of why this all happened. Of the lifeless body of Chimera that lies but a few feet away. Johnny walks towards the body, he crouches down beside her and takes one last look before turning away. Reed studies the damage and is glad to see that their ticket back home is still around. But he also realizes that now Stark-Fuji will have something to back up there story on how The Fantastic Four are supposed to be dangerous criminals! Just then he sees something flying overhead it seems to be a skycycle with a driver and someone else who appears to be shackled, but the bike is out of sight before Reed is sure. 



The words bury into the brain of Tim Wallace. He has been a captive only a few minutes yet he is already being beaten. He's known this was coming for years, so many years ago, it doesn't seem that long to him, but it has been years. Six years to be exact, six years since the day Timothy Wallace escaped the prison that his parents sold him to, the prison of Star-Fujikawa's Labs! Still, he refuses to tell them how he came to be with his powers, they know he's not a mutant but that's it. SMACK, SMACK! 

"I said TALK!, Listen to me boy." 

Tim raises his head and laughs at the giant of a man standing before him. 

"I'm no more a boy than you are a man pusbag." SMACK! 

The reign of blows continues on Tim Wallace, all the while he waits for his chance to escape into the night once more! 


Down another of the many halls lies the cells where Stark-Fuji keeps its....less desirable subjects. This is where Anthony Brix is being held, and he hates it. He looks at the wall waiting for them to beat him again, all over a stupid disc! He never even knew what was on it, he was to busy giving it to sweet Laura to even care. And this is what he gets? Suddenly he hears the approaching of a guard, he's dragging a man of about twenty years old in his arms. 

"You get a friend mutant!" The guard tosses the man on the ground and walks off laughing. Anthony approaches him and notices blood dripping all along his face and arms. 

"Are you alright?" The man stares into his eyes and begins to laugh of all things! 

"Do I look alright? You shockin' moron!" 

"I'm just trying..." 

"To be an idiot well you pass my friend now getaway!" Anthony jumps back and studies the man who is in obvious pain as he sits up. 

"Are you sure you don't need any..." 

"I heal real fast, kid, now back off!" 

Anthony becomes angry now and shouts at the man- "DON'T CALL ME KID, YOU PUNK I'M EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD!" 

The man stares in amazement and comments- "You know kid, I think you and I might get along real good, the names Tim Wallace how bout you?" 

"Anthony Brix and I gotta warn you don't call me kid if it wasn't for this collar, I'd have a nice mutant trick for you!" 

Tim moves closer- "Sure thing kid, I have some neat tricks to remind me to use one on you when we bust out of here." Anthony looks in amazement as the cuts on Tim's head are gone!! 

"Your head it healed, already!" 

"I told ya I got some tricks of my own didn't I kid?" 


Its been a long day and early evening for Robert Langton and Angela Benstat. The two of them just pulled off what they thought would be the perfect job. Heist some info out of Star-Fuji on early ideas for something big. What it is they don't know nor do they care their just two more troubled people looking for some fast cash. Unfortunately, Stark-Fuji is following them. Fortunately, they know nothing of their fantastic abilities. Robert stands in the middle of the street and waits, as the skycycle approaches he just looks at it and it explodes after hitting the ground. 

Angela takes out cruiser number two. Her body convulses and burst into a green and yellow aura of a pure energy being. She fires a huge burst of power at the cycle, killing the driver easily. The two looks at each other pleased with themselves. 

"We did it Angela we...oh shock!" "GET DOWN" But the warning comes too late and Angela Benstat is down and knocked out. The driver swings around in Robert's direction and comes upon him quickly enough to knock him headfirst into the ground, also making him unconscious. 

The driver stops and calls in to let base know he's got his prize! 


"It's time to go, Johnny, we must leave I have an idea on how to get us home." 

The words mean nothing to Johnny but he follows along. Sue walks behind him silently, she tried to tell them how Chimera was a traitor before but now? How could she do that to the already depressed Johnny? She decides this is something best left unknown for now. 

They reach the old SHIELD base where they have been hidden out. Reed goes straight to work as Johnny and the others sleep. It takes him six hours and A LOT of calculating but he is positive he's done it! 


"What is it stretcho I need my beauty rest here." 



"With this." Reed holds up a little gizmo that leaves Ben thinking..."? "

Next Issue: This is it, the Fantastic Four either go home or die! Be here for that and the last of our new characters to be introduced!

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